Roots of Mathematics
Interactive Traveling Exhibition

Where does mathematics actually come from? This question is at the heart of "Roots of Mathematics" ("Wurzeln der Mathematik"), a traveling exhibition of the Mathematikum Gießen, which made its first stop in Heidelberg and was on display at the MAINS from October 18, 2018 to April 28, 2019.
Mathematics is one of mankind’s oldest cultural achievements and is the second oldest science, behind astronomy. In the "Roots of Mathematics" exhibition, visitors of all ages could embark on a fascinating journey around the globe through the history of numbers and shapes. Interactive exhibits full of historical information brought the onset of mathematics to life. Various manifestations of mathematics were on display from how they continue to have an impact today to how they form an essential foundation of our world today. "Roots of Mathematics" was divided into four sections: Numbers and Counting, Shapes and Patterns, Heaven and Earth, and Play and Think. In addition to the guided tours, there were workshops for different age groups that delved deeper into selected topics.
To inaugurate the exhibition, Prof. Dr. Albrecht Beutelspacher, the mathematician who organized the exhibition and founded the Mathematikum Gießen, gave the hands-on lecture "The World of Numbers and Shapes".
"Roots of Mathematics", October 18, 2018 to April 28, 2019, Heidelberg MAINS, an exhibition of the Mathematikum Gießen, realized with the support of the Klaus Tschira Foundation.